Tag Archives: clovis bail bondsman

Tips for a Successful Graduation Party

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Graduation season is here! It doesn’t matter if you or a loved one is graduating from high school, college, or trade school, the fact a graduation is taking place is the perfect excuse for a party. Here ae a few tips that will insure that you’re graduation party is fun for everyone. Make Sure Everyone […]

How to Stay Safe While Using a Rideshare Program

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There’s no denying that rideshare programs like Uber and Lyft have changed how we think about transportation. We love the fact that we can use a smartphone app to arrange a ride rather than having to hope that we can find and hail a cab. We know that the driver knows exactly where our destination […]

Can I Be Arrested and Lose My Driver’s License for Speeding

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The sight of blue lights flashing in the rearview mirror and the realization that you are going way above the posted speed limit causes everyone to break out in a cold sweat. The faster you’re going, the more likely it is that you’ll find yourself spontaneously worrying about things like, can I be arrested and […]

The Benefits of Hiring a Good Criminal Defense Attorney

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One of the biggest decisions you have to make after you’ve been charged with a crime is deciding if you should hire a private criminal defense attorney or if you should take advantage of a public defender. The correct answer is going to vary from one person to another. That being said, there are several […]

Wrongful Termination in California


It’s strange that more time isn’t dedicated to talking about California’s wrongful termination laws. Considering that the vast majority of California’s adult population is employed by someone other than themselves, there is a chance that a large portion of California’s population could potentially be the victims of wrongful termination. Wrongful termination refers to an employer […]

Who Can Own a Gun in California?


It’s no secret that the U.S. Constitution contains a statement about the right to bear arms. When the Constitution was originally drafted, men were allowed to own a gun, but over time that has changed. For various reasons, laws and attitudes have shifted, and now some people simply aren’t allowed to own a firearm. If […]

Chat Room Crimes in California

Chat Room Crimes in California

Chat room crimes are a term that typically refers to specific cases that ultimately deal with the solicitation of a minor. The term first became popular after it was used by the television show, To Catch a Predator. Chat room crimes typically involve an older person, usually, a male, who uses things like chat rooms […]

Winter Pet Tips

Winter Pet Tips

  As the end of the year draws near, the weather gets colder and colder. Some parts of California have already reached temperatures that make most people choose to stay indoors. As the temperatures drop, it is important for everyone to stay warm for their own health and safety. While everyone hurries to bundle up […]

What Counts as Distracted Driving?

What Counts as Distracted Driving?

  Pretty much every driver out there is aware of that the fact they should not drive while distracted. Some of the worst culprits for causing distractions behind the wheel, are smart phones. These amazingly useful handheld devices allow a person to access the internet and everything held within it. Unfortunately, that is a very […]

California Car Theft Laws

California Car Theft Laws

  C ars are very expensive, but very useful to have. Owning a vehicle allows a person to go to work, run errands, and perform all sorts of other activities on their own schedule. They don’t have to rely on busses and other people to drive them around. It is very freeing to own a […]