The Differences between Bail, Bail Bonds, and Immigration Bonds
When it comes to helping friends and family members get out of trouble, most people will do whatever they can. This is true even when it comes to posting bail, despite the fact that most people have a lot of questions about how bail works. Most people don’t even realize that there is a difference between bail, bail bonds, and immigration bonds.
Bail and bail bonds kind of go hand in hand. Bail is the amount of money that needs to be paid in order for someone to be released from jail. A bail bond is when a bail agent pays the bail amount for a client and the client only has to pay a percentage of the bail amount as payment for the service.
An immigration bond is what is needed when a person is being held by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). ICE is a federal agency, and because of this fact, a bail agent needs a special license to provide immigration bonds. Bail agents at Bulldog Bail Bonds in Madera are only licensed to provide bail in the state of California. We are not licensed to provide immigration bonds.
If you need an immigration bond, then you will have to find a company that is licensed to help with that sort of thing. If you need help with bailing someone out of jail, then you have come to the right place. Here at Bulldog Bail Bonds in Madera, we do everything that we can to help out our clients. Some of the services that we provide include:
- 24/7 Bail bond service
- 20% Discount
- Phone approvals
- 0% Interest payment plans
- No hidden fees
- No collateral with working signer
- Se habla Español
When you need bail help in California, you can count on Bulldog Bail Bonds in Madera to be there for you. We will do everything in our power to help out. Unfortunately, if you need help with an immigration bond, then you will need to find another company to work with because we are not licensed to provide those kinds of bonds.