Tag Archives: best bail bonds malaga

When Should the Party End?

Have you heard of the proposed bill by Senator Scott Weiner from San Francisco that would allow bars to stay open later? State Bill 384, which is referred to as “Let Our Communities Adjust Late Night” or LOCAL Act for short, will allow communities to adjust how late restaurants and bars can serve alcohol. Under […]

Can I Request to Change My Court Date?

Right on our heels is Summer, a favorite time of year for people to travel. The children are on break from school and the weather cannot be beat. Travel has been planned for months and there are probably going to be some unplanned, short weekend trips ahead for relaxing at the beach or going hiking. […]

How Much is One Serving of Alcohol?

The countdown to summer break has begun, leaving students and families eager to get away from school and work in order to have some fun. These long hot days and warm nights bring some of the best memories each year. Admittedly, alcohol has a big part in that because it allows everyone to relax and […]

This is Why People Choose Malaga Bail Bond Store

We hope you will never need a bail bond, for yourself or a loved one, but if you do, we want you to know that you can and should rely on the team at Malaga Bail Bond Store. There are many other bail bond companies in California, but here is why you should choose us […]

What Have Other People Said About Malaga Bail Bond Store?

Learning what other people have said about a business is a pretty important thing to research before you decide to commit to this business’ services. Although it takes a little bit of time, during which your loved one is just sitting in jail waiting for you to call the shots, researching could be the difference […]

What Your First 3 or So Days Look Like if You are Ever Arrested

Are you curious to know what the first 3 or so days look like for a defendant who was just arrested?. Immediately when a person is arrested, they are read their Miranda Rights – the right to remain silent and the right to a lawyer. Following the arrest, the defendant is taken to booking. During […]

Finally… Street Vending Becomes Legal in Los Angeles

Los Angeles is known for many things: the Dodgers, the Lakers, Hollywood, sunshine, a melting pot of cultures, but it is also known for its less favorable qualities, like being a major U.S. city where street vending is illegal. At long last, those days are no more. The city council of Los Angeles voted unanimously […]

When a Search Warrant is and is not Needed

There are many times the police would need a search warrant to go through a person’s belongings or property, but there are also times where a search and seizure warrant is not needed. This includes: • The individual voluntarily consents to a search. • Inspection searches, like border patrol. • Illegal and incriminating items and […]

3 Strikes, No Outs – You can Always Count on Malaga Bail Bond Store

“3 strikes, you are out” is only a rule in baseball and a figurative rule in other games. When it comes to needing a bail bond from Malaga Bail Bond Store, there are no “outs,” no matter how many times in your lifetime you need a bail bond. We hope that after one bail bond, […]

Malaga Bail Bond Store – A Team of Heroes

Heroes come unexpected and unannounced. They save the day when it seems like all hope is lost. Most often, heroes are fictional like Batman and Iron Man, but once in a while, they are real people helping you at your most desperate moments. Say you get a sudden, frightening phone call and learn that your […]