Tag Archives: richmond bail agents

What Are the Rules for Minors Getting a License?

“Driving is a privilege” is a phrase parents use often towards their teenage children when they begin to learn how to drive. For the minor, obtaining a driver’s license represents freedom and fun. For the parent, it represents growth and responsibility that must be earned and proven. In California, there are certain rules and laws […]

What You Need to Know About Being a Bail Bond Co-Signer

When a legal document needs a co-signer, it means it needs an additional person to cover the debt in case the first person, cannot make good on their payments and promises. Co-signers are not uncommon for major purchases like cars, homes, loans, and even bail bonds. A co-signer will generally have a good credit history […]

A Look at Some of the Most Expensive Bails in United States History

A few weeks ago, a Northern California woman named Tiffany Li had posted the country’s 8th highest bail in the U.S.’s state court history. Li, accused of murdering her ex-boyfriend and father to her two young children, was given a $35 million bail. She posted twice that amount in property. The equity in these properties […]

Richmond Bail Bond Store is True Quality

Most people would think that it does not matter who they hire to help bail their loved one out of jail. All that matters is that the job gets done and besides, all bail bond companies do the same thing anyway. The truth is, it does matter what bail bond company a person decides to […]

Bail Your Easter Bunny Out of Jail!

If tradition has it that your husband plays the role of the Easter Bunny every year, then it would just be wrong to have someone else stand in for the role this year as your husband sits in jail. Your husband is a father and even an uncle, he does not deserve to miss out […]

LA Signs New Directive Order to Protect its Residents, Regardless of Immigration Status

You know how there has been a lot of news and talk lately surrounding the discussion of immigration? Well, there is even more news. Now, Los Angeles police and city employees will not enforce federal immigration laws, as ordered by the new executive directive that Mayor Eric Garcetti just signed. The directive also says that […]

Moral Obligation vs. Legal Obligation to Report a Crime

Some people believe that if they witness a crime, they must report it to the police; if they do not, they themselves are committing a crime. Actually though, in most cases, this is not true. A person may feel the moral obligation to report the crime, but they do not have a legal obligation to […]

Do the Police Need a Search Warrant for my Social Media?

You know that the police are looking at social media when they are investigating cases. What you may not know is whether they are allowed to do this with or without your consent or a warrant. So, here is what you should know: • Content posted on public sites and accounts are considered evidence “in […]

Don’t Turn Your $40 Bar Tab into a $1,000 DUI

March 17 is St. Patrick’s Day and you can expect the bars to be flowing with people dressed in green, drinking green colored cocktails and beer. St. Patrick’s Day is another excuse for adults to get a little more drunk than usual. If you plan on taking part in the drinking and the fun, then […]

We Cannot Lower Bail but We Can Bail You Out Affordably

It is not often that a judge will reduce a person’s bail after setting it. The judge is the only person who can lower bail; not even a lawyer can lower a defendant’s bail. Although it is rare for bail to be reduced, it does happen. This was the case recently in a matter involving […]