Tag Archives: richmond inmates location

Is There a Legal Obligation to Report a Crime as a Witness?

There was a recent incident involving rape, Facebook, and what did or did not happen after the fact. An adolescent Chicago girl was raped by 5 or 6 males and the incident was streamed live on Facebook long enough for nearly 50 people to watch and know what was going on. None of those nearly […]

When Getting Arrested Might Actually Be Funny

Usually, getting arrested is no laughing matter, but maybe one day it will be both a laughing matter and a “are you serious?” matter. We are talking about a wild case where a person is arrested for committing the most outrageous, silly crimes in California. These crimes come from laws that really leave us scratching […]

Let’s Talk About Sanctuary Cities

The Trump Presidency has brought fear to undocumented immigrants now more than ever. With such debate, many cities in the U.S. have vowed to protect its immigrants, and these cities have declared themselves “sanctuary cities.” Sanctuary cities include: San Francisco, Chicago, Seattle, and New York. An unofficial count identifies approximately 300 U.S. cities, towns, and […]