Tag Archives: san bernardino ca bail bond services

New Ancient Redwoods? How’s That Possible?

bulldog bail bonds

One of California’s trademark sights are redwood trees. These spectacular trees are primarily found along the Northern California coast. Redwoods are some of the tallest and oldest trees on earth. With some standing taller than a 32-story building, these trees are a breathtaking sight to behold, and become even more wondrous when you realize how […]

How Hot Is Too Hot?

With the summer heat in full swing once again, it is important for everyone to do their best to stay cool this season. While looking out for ourselves in this sort of weather is one thing, we can’t forget about the lives that are in our care. Children and pets cannot take care of themselves […]

California’s Fascination with Police Chases

There’s something about feeling excitement flooding through your veins that makes adrenaline rushes so addicting. It’s like a shot of energy straight to your heart. We love the rush, which is probably why we love drama. You can deny loving drama all you want, but the truth is that it is what keeps you watching […]

Speeding is Selfish, and Puts Everyone at Risk

Everyone is guilty of being selfish from time to time. Sometimes it’s okay and the offense is only minor. Other times, however, the offense is a very big deal. Take speeding for instance. Many people view it as a harmless traffic violation and don’t give it a second thought when their speedometer climbs high over […]

Would You Get Behind the Wheel of a Vehicle While High? Well, California Teens Are

Just about every driver out there knows about DUI’s and how they should never drive while intoxicated with alcohol. However, what many people fail to realize, is that there was a reason the term was switched from DWI, driving while intoxicated, to DUI, Driving under the influence. DUI is a broader term that covers driving […]

Family Dinner Topics: So You’re Spending Time with Family

Family is tricky. It’s complicated to describe any family interaction. The thing about this group of people is you can’t choose them, yet you spend most of your life with them. You love them, and then love to hate them too. However, as you grow older you begin to notice more things about your family. […]

Interview Tips You Should Know

Even though we’re not in a recession anymore and the economy seems to be turning around, getting a job is hard. There are millions of people constantly applying for jobs all over the country. Interviews, one-on-one or in groups, happen daily. If you’re just starting out and are in search of a job, the interview […]

Getting Arrested in a Foreign Country

No one ever wants to get arrested. Doing so means being placed into a small concrete cell with iron bars, possibly with other inmates. A person loses their freedom when arrested, and it is not fun at all. However, something most people do not consider, is what happens if they are arrested outside of the […]

Lots of People Have Questions about Bail

Finding out that someone does not know much about bail is not as uncommon as one might assume. Most people do not learn about bail, and this is usually due to the fact that they assume they will never need to bail someone out of jail. While that may be the case for some people, […]