The Fourth of July is one of those holidays when everyone likes to cut loose and really relax. Most of us get to enjoy a long weekend which means we tend to drink a little more than we normally would. The fact that many of us are hanging out with a large group of our […]
Category Archives: Bulldog Bail Bonds
The cost of living is rising at the speed of light, which has most of us looking at ways we can reduce our discretionary spending. For many of us, that means reducing what we spend on music. The problem is that while not spending money on CDs and music downloads keeps some cash in our […]
Yes, the Fast and the Furious movie franchise made street racing look like a great way of generating some excitement on a Friday night, but before you gather a group of your friend together to see who can drive the fastest, you should know that street racing, drag racing, and other vehicular speed contests aren’t […]
No one likes DUI checkpoints. Not only do they make many of us nervous, even when we haven’t been drinking. There’s just something about getting caught in a checkpoint and seeing a police officer walking towards us that tends to activate a guilt complex, they also drastically extend the length of time it takes you […]
Finally! It’s graduation season. For many students and parents, this is a day they’ve been waiting for their entire lives. They’re finally putting high school behind themselves once and for all and allowing themselves to focus on the future. If you’re a graduating senior or someone who just likes to hang out with a group […]
Like most parts of the world, California has some places that are great areas to raise a family. These areas have good schools, solid sources of income, and a low crime rate. The flip side of the coin is that there are also some extremely sketchy parts of California. A quick look at crime in […]
It doesn’t matter if you’re manufacturing and distributing fake identification cards because you want to help someone out or because you’re trying to supplement your income, you’re breaking the law. If you’re caught, you’ll face some very serious criminal charges. In California, manufacturing fake identification cards is a misdemeanor that’s discussed in Vehicle Code 1300.4.1 […]
Disability placards aren’t something everyone in California can appropriate and use for their own purposes. Getting caught misusing a disability placard in California can land you on the wrong side of the law. If you think you can misuse a disability placard and not get caught, you should think again. It’s easy for police to […]
We’ve all done it at some point or another. We’ve left home without our driver’s license. This isn’t a major deal as long as you are walking or riding around as a passenger. If you’re driving, it has the potential to be a major problem. In California, you are legally required to have your driver’s […]
To you making an annoying phone call might not seem like a big deal. In fact, it’s something many of us did when we were bored teenagers. If you did, hopefully, you outgrew the prank because in this day and age, making an annoying phone call in California is a misdemeanor. That’s right! Each time […]