Monthly Archives: February 2018

Earthquake Preparation

If there were anything California is famous for besides Hollywood, it would probably be earthquakes. Californians are used to the impending doom of earthquakes and knowing how to properly seek shelter in any room. Even though we know that the “Big One” will hit us any moment, how prepared are we really? It may seem […]

Struggling with Procrastination

Anyone who has spent a stressed out night struggling to finish an important project the night before it is due knows how bad procrastination can be. They have likely experienced that situation several times throughout life and each incident is always followed by the promise to never procrastinate again. Unfortunately, the cycle typically repeats itself […]

A Single Person’s Guide to Surviving Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day, or Single Awareness Day, is coming up. It’s that frustrating time of year that all the couples get all “aw” with one another and meanwhile the single folk get a different kind of “aw”. It’s the time of year when all of your family asks you if there’s a “special someone” in your […]

History of Valentines Day

It’s time to pull out the candies and red hearts because Valentine’s Day is here. Single bodies beware or go into hibernation since ridiculous grand gestures of love are here. Couples, be prepared for the stress that you’re about to endure because all eyes are on you this season. Why do we do this to […]