Are You Ready for Your Kids to Go Back to School?

Are You Ready for Your Kids to Go Back to School?


Summer is drawing to a close, and for many parents, this means that their child is going back to school soon. As far as parents as concerned, this is a great day. The kids will soon be out of their parents’ hair and preoccupied with their own daily studies. This can make a parent’s life just a little bit easier, which is always appreciated.

However, as calm as things can be when the kids are away, parents will always worry about their little ones. Parents are always concerned for their kids’ safety, even when they are at school. So while the new school year brings some peace and quiet, it does come with some extra worry too. Luckily, there are some things that parents can do to help their child stay safe at school.

 Some Tips to Keep Kids Safe and Healthy This School Year

A parent’s biggest goal is to ensure the health and safety of their child. This can be a bit difficult to do though when the child isn’t with the parent, like when the child is at school. Luckily, there are still things that a parent can do to keep their kid safe when they aren’t around.

One of the biggest aspects of school, is a child’s backpack. The simple device will hopefully hold everything that a student will need during their day at school. This means that choosing and properly packing a backpack is very important. Here are some backpack tips to consider this school year:

  • A full backpack should not weigh more than 20% of the child’s body weight.
  • Always use both straps to carry a back and evenly spread the weight across both shoulders.
  • Choose a backpack with wide shoulder straps and a padded back to ensure comfort and good weight distribution.
  • Use all of the compartments in the backpack to help spread out the weight within the pack itself.
  • If a backpack has a waist strap, use it.
  • Don’t put a child’s name on the outside of a backpack, strangers could use that to their advantage.
  • Avoid roller backpacks as they can cause tripping hazards for other students.

When a child is walking, or biking to school, there are plenty of things that they should know. Somethings that parents should teach their kids include:

  • Never take shortcuts, especially through areas with low visibility. Kids should stick to parent approved routes in case the parent needs to find the child.
  • Walk in groups.
  • Wear bright colored clothes to be more visible to drivers.
  • Always wear a helmet while biking.
  • Use hand signals while riding a bike.
  • Follow the rules of the road.
  • Don’t listen to music while biking.

A few extra tips include:

  • Reinforce Stranger Danger rules.
  • Don’t pack lunches and snacks that can spoil.
  • Talk to kids about bullying.

 Give Kids a Brighter Future

As a parent, it can be hard to not worry about kids when they aren’t around. If a parent follows the tips listed above, they can help keep their child safe this school year. That is all any parent wants. By keeping their kids safe, their children will be able to do well in school this year. This will, in turn, help set the kid up for a brighter future.

Do you have any school safety tips that aren’t on this list? If so, add them in the comments down below and help out other parents.