Category Archives: Barstow Bail Bonds

Magical Escape in California

We’re fortunate to be living here in California. Every day is like a vacation, unless you hustle. Working, going to school, paying bills, and still managing to hang out with your loved ones is a giant balancing act. It can be overwhelming at times and you may feel like you need to get away. Even […]

Too Drunk for What?

We see the slogans all around when we drive down the road. These slogan say things like, “don’t drink and drive”, “drive sober or get pulled over”, and “buzzed driving is drunk driving”. Slogans may seem pointless and repetitive, but there is reason why they are so redundant. In 2017 in California, around the holidays, […]

A Bro for Life

Siblings are the best friends that can’t ignore you. They’re the only other person in the world that has the same kind of experiences growing up as you. They keep you humble, and pull pranks on you. Sisters and brothers keep our heads attached sometimes. Growing up is difficult, and having siblings helps, especially growing […]

I’ll Take a Side of Appreciation

Working in a restaurant is a rite of passage for some, and for others it’s a career. Being a server in California is not a bad occupation, if you can handle crazy customers, bad jokes, and working with other people. California is one of the few states that actually pays servers the full minimum wage. […]

Do You Know Who Has Access to Your Facebook Account? You May Want to Double Check

Just about everyone has at least one social media account these days. One of the most popular types of accounts, is a Facebook account. Facebook allows family members and friends to keep up to date on each other’s lives no matter how far apart they may live. On top of that, there are all sorts […]

Do You Have a Nightly Routine to Keep Stuff Safe? You Should

Nobody ever wants to have to deal with their stuff being stolen or broken. After all, everyone really likes their stuff, and wants to protect it as best as they can. However, some people don’t actually do a whole lot to keep their stuff safe from thieves and crooks. Most people feel safe at home, […]

Thinking of Lying On Your Tax Returns? Think Again

If you haven’t figured it out yet, tax season is here. In fact, it is drawing to a close. Tax returns are due by April 17th. If you haven’t filed your taxes yet, you better hurry. The last thing you want to do is mess up your taxes and wind up in trouble with the […]

Do You Know What You Are Liable for When It Comes to Your Dog?

Owning a dog is a huge responsibility, one that many people are not as ready for as they think they are. Dogs need a lot of attention. They need to exercise daily, and need to be cleaned up after. They also need to be kept in a yard, which can prove to be difficult. A […]

Do You Know What Your Child Does Online? You Should.

The internet opened up a world of possibilities for everyone. Anyone in the world can get access to just about any information that they want. It is the biggest library of information on the planet. Unfortunately, not everything on the internet is wholesome and safe for children to see, which is why parents need to […]

Dealing with Bullying Starts with Ourselves

Nobody likes bullies. If you were to ask any adult out there what they think about bullying, they would say something along the lines of needing to stop the bullying. However, while just about every adult preaches this, many of them struggle to actually walk the walk without even realizing it. Our kids see this, […]