Tag Archives: cheap bail bonds

When Search Warrants Are and Are Not Warranted

If you are out on bail, you will have a better time prepping for court, both in your appearance and also in your case. Sometimes the police do not need a warrant, other times, they do. On those other times, the police will want to conduct the search, but not bring a warrant with them […]

Rainy Weather Driving Precautions

Rainy days are still ahead California, whether you are in Northern California where rainfall is more abundant, or you are in Southern California where it happens less often. Driving habits need to be changed when it is raining versus when it is a dry day to ensure road safety. Here are some helpful rainy weather […]

Texting and Driving? Too Much, New Laws

Let us be real, these days, texting and driving is no longer texting and driving. It is more like social media-ing and driving, or navigating maps and driving because smart phones have come so far in just a few years. This has caused driving and cell phone laws to be expanded, starting this year. Starting […]

What Determines Own Recognizance Release

Not all who are arrested are given the opportunity to be released on own recognizance, which is when a defendant signs formal papers promising to show up for court, then is released from jail. Most defendants are granted bail, meaning they have to pay money to the court in order to be released from jail. […]

Post Bail and Celebrate the New Year

Ringing in the New Year is not the same when you know a friend or family member of yours is missing out. Knowing that this loved one of yours is sitting depressed and alone in jail can spoil not only their fun, but yours as well. You would do anything you could to help get […]

Feeling Lost?

Are you feeling lost and confused due to a loved one’s arrest? We know that you want to help your friend or family member get out of jail, but you have now idea on how to do that. You will want the help of an expert to guide you through the process of rescuing your […]

Do You Want To Show Your Loved One You Care?

Everyone likes to know that someone is out there watching out for them. This is definitely true when that person has been arrested and is sitting behind bars. Your friend or family member would be happy to know that you care. You can truly show you care by trying to bail him or her out […]

What to Do If You Need To Bail Some Out In Another State

Do you have a friend or family member that was recently arrested that you want to bail out? In most cases, finding a bail agent to help you would be easy, but if you are trying to bail someone out of jail in another state, you can run into trouble. This is due to how […]

Do Not Waste Time On Something You Hate

No one wants to spend time doing something they hate. This definitely includes spending time in jail. No one ever wants to spend time in jail, so if you have a loved one who was recently arrested, you will want to bail him or her out of jail as soon as possible. This means you […]

Understanding Rights in Detention vs. Arrest

Understanding the differences between being detained, and being arrested by the police, is important snice a person’s rights are different in each case. Here is what you want to know: Detention To be detained, the police will have reasonable suspicion to stop and question you. That person is allowed to leave after that short period […]