Category Archives: Modesto Bail Bonds

Your Loved One Will Not Have to Celebrate New Year’s in Jail

If you are thinking it is too late to bail your loved one out of jail in time for New Year’s, it is not. Your chances of getting your loved one out in time are best when you have Fresno Bail Bond Store on your side. As a 24/7 company, Fresno Bail Bond Store knows […]

Make Sure You Can Trust Your Bail Agent

How to figure out if you can trust a bail agent. When it comes to spending a lot of money, you want to make sure it is money well spent. This is even truer when you want to bail a loved one out of jail. You want to make sure you can trust your bail […]

Want To Get Out of Jail at an Affordable Price?

No one wants to sit in a jail cell. It can be miserable, stuck in a concrete room, isolated from your friends and family members. That is why most people like to get out of jail as quickly as they can. You can get yourself, or a loved one, out of jail quickly and affordably […]

How to Contact a Professional Bail Agent

Getting in touch with a professional bail agent is much simpler than many people realize. Many bail bond companies, like Fresno Bail Bond Store, are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This ensures that you can get a bail agent to help you the moment you need to get a loved one […]

Do You Want a Discount On a Bail Bond

While bail bonds are much cheaper than paying for the bail itself, they can still be a little bit expensive for some people. That is why people like to look for the best deal that they can find. If you are looking to bail a friend or family member out of jail, then you would […]

Do You Know That Bail Is Not Scary?

There is no reason to be afraid of bail or bail bonds. Bailing a friend or family member out of jail can be an extremely easy process for you when you get a good bail agent. A professional bail agent will be able to walk you through the entire bail bond process and can answer […]

You Can Get a Discount on a Bail Bond

Are you looking to bail a friend or family member out of jail, but are afraid you will not be able to afford it? Did you know that it is possible to get a discount on your loved one’s bail bond? Well it is, if you go to the right bail agent. In California, some […]

You Can Have the Entire Family Together for Christmas

Did you know that hope can still return this holiday season? Even if you have a friend or family member who was recently arrested, you can still have a great Christmas with all of your loved ones. All you need to do is bail out your friend or family member. With the right bail bond […]

Finding a Good Bail Agent

Your friend or family member was just arrested, and you want to help, but what can you do? You have never needed to get a loved one out of jail before, so you have no idea on how to go about helping your loved one. You are going to need help from a professional bail […]

Personalized Payment Plans Make Paying for a Bail Bond Easy

Paying for a bail bond is a lot easier than most people realize. Bail bonds are 90% cheaper than the bail they are based on, and that makes them a lot more affordable. However, that is not always enough, which is why some bail bond companies offer their clients payment plans. At Fresno Bail Bond […]