You Might Be Surprised To Find Out That You Can Bail can cost a lot of money, and many people do not have the money necessary for the task. That is why so many arrested individuals wind up staying in jail for the entirety of their trial. These people do not realize that there is […]
Tag Archives: 24 hours bail bonds
The holidays put everyone in a more giving mood, but do not expect everyone to be super nice. You cannot get away with everything! Take the police for example. If they need to give you a speeding ticket, they will. If they need to arrest you, they will. You probably will not get lucky and […]
Being in jail for the countdown to 2017 is quite a story, but honestly, no one wants to have that story. It may be too late to avoid the whole arrest thing, but it is not too late to bail out of jail and spend New Year’s with loved ones. Just ask Clovis Bail Bond […]
Did you know that you do not need to be related to someone to bail them out of jail? Friends can bail friends out of jail. Even a stranger could bail someone out of jail, if they knew enough information about the defendant, however, that never really happens. If you have a friend who was […]
There are many people out there that worry if they take too long to come up with the money for their loved one’s bail, that they may not be able to bail him or her out at all. While there should be a sense of urgency, you do not have to worry too much. You […]
As much as we wish we could provide you with all the necessary services throughout your loved one’s arrest, we cannot. We are very good at our jobs as bail bond professionals, but beyond that scope of work, we cannot help you because we are not legally allowed to. Coalinga Bail Bond Store is not […]
Getting pulled over by the police is always, on some level, nerve-racking, whether you know what the reason for getting pulled over is or not. Maybe you are drinking and driving, or maybe you do not know that your taillight is out. You do not want to make a wrong move, but you also do […]
Detention in school was simply staying late one day, and sitting in room with a handful of other students, and a teacher, either doing homework or nothing at all. Detention outside of school, when you are an adult, is not quite the same. This is when you are briefly stopped by the police and/ or […]
To you, reasonable suspicion and probable cause sound like they mean the same thing. However, to Fresno Bail Bond Store, the police, and the court, these have different, though similar, meanings. Reasonable Suspicion: Reasonable assumption that a crime has taken place, is taking place, or will take place, based on a police officer’s professional training […]
Social media has taken over life, and it is now just as important to be cautious of what you post on there for the sake of legal issues, as it is for the sake of ending up in your employer’s eyes. Everyone can watch you: friends, family, your employer, the police, the government, and even […]